Hi there,
thanks a lot for visiting my website. I really appreciate!
Idea is to share some of my work, ideas, arts.
As an engineer dealing all day with technical problems I like to activate the „other half“ of my brain and do some creative art work during my free time.
Especially wood working got me, every piece of wood has it´s own character (or „soul“ for the romantics below us :P).
Compared to all other materials there is a kind of warmth inside which makes it special to create art with it.
Totally different is to deal with metal, I have some background as I did an apprenticeship as toolmaker at Steadtler.
Let´s say it has it´s own charme as sparks fly around or you are doing some steel welding.
So enjoy the visit here, leave a comment, ask questions, write a mail if you like 😉